How to Bury the Seed Deep for New Crop to Come Up?
How to bury the seed so that a new crop can grow Within each of us, there are two selves. The ego self, which we are all familiar with, is the lower self. It is the self of lust, resentment, pride, and greed. It is the self-centered and meek self. We have recognized ourselves with this lower self.
In point of fact, this lower self is so insignificant. It is a tiny speck of a tiny speck. However, because we have identified with it, we magnify it beyond belief in our day-to-day lives. This ego self can easily seduce us and lead us astray because it stands on the edge of our consciousness.
However, the Bhagwad Gita refers to the Self Supreme as the larger, nobler, and true self. We know nothing about its presence. However, the divine power and potential that lie hidden within us will emerge and we will discover wonderful things happening in our daily lives to the extent that we identify with this larger, supreme Self.
“What is the way to God?” was once posed to a God-fearing man.
He answered, “When thou hast disappeared on the way, then thou hast come to God!” Thus, the follower, as well, must ‘evaporate’ so he might turn into the searcher who is ready to see the Light.
Stomp on under your feet your feeling of I-ness. The more you neglect yourself, the more you will draw nearer to God.
Obliterate your inner self. Turn out to not be anything. Not so much as nothing. The English zero is composed like an O and the Sindhi zero is composed essentially as a spot. Master Sadhu Vaswani, whom I adored, advised us to become the Sindhi zero, a dot, or nothing. When your ego is destroyed, you will notice His presence in everything you see, including people, birds, animals, trees, plants, fruits, and flowers.
Start now because the journey is long and the time is short. Get rid of yourself. And take note of the divine vision.
There were no followers of Yogi Mahadev. At some point, a young fellow moved toward him and beseeched him to acknowledge him as his follower. The yogi responded, “On one condition, I will accept you as my disciple.” From there, jump to the mountain’s summit.
The young fellow was shocked. He stated, “I will die if I jump from the mountain’s peak.” “How would you be reborn unless and until you die?” the yogi asked with a grin. The young fellow argued, “If it’s not too much trouble, make sense of.” The yoga teacher responded, “You will need to visit a farmer to understand this.” He will talk you through it. The new crop only emerges when the seeds are completely buried. Wheat grains cannot produce a new crop until they die on Earth.
Keep in mind that you’re like a seed. You have a finite periphery, but there are infinite possibilities deep within you. In the same way that a seed must give up its “seed hood” in order to develop into a plant, we cannot regenerate ourselves unless we are prepared to completely lose ourselves.
Courtesy: Dada J P Vaswani