How to only take feedback and not consume the energy of criticism?
It’s important to understand that constructive feedback and criticism aren’t the same. Feedback aims to help you improve, while criticism can be negative and judgmental without offering solutions. Here’s how to approach feedback effectively and avoid getting drained by negativity:
Shift your mindset:
- Embrace a growth mindset: Believe that you can always learn and improve. See feedback as an opportunity to gain new perspectives and enhance your skills.
- Separate yourself from your work: Understand that feedback is about your work, not your worth as a person. Don’t take it personally or let it define you.
Actively engage with the feedback:
- Listen attentively: Pay close attention to understand the specific points being raised. Ask clarifying questions if needed.
- Focus on the message, not the delivery: Sometimes, feedback might be delivered in a harsh or critical tone. Try to look beyond that and focus on the underlying message and its potential value.
- Analyze and reflect: Take time after receiving feedback to reflect on its validity and relevance to your goals and values. Determine if it offers valuable insights for improvement.
Filter out negativity:
- Not all feedback is equal: Learn to differentiate between constructive criticism that offers specific suggestions for improvement and unproductive negativity that lacks helpful information or is delivered with hostility.
- Don’t engage with negativity: If the feedback becomes personal, disrespectful, or unhelpful, disengage and avoid getting drawn into an unproductive conversation.
Remember, effectively processing feedback is a skill that takes practice. By adopting a growth mindset, actively engaging with the information, and filtering out negativity, you can use feedback to your advantage and avoid getting consumed by negativity.